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Star Wars: Episode IV - A Star Wars IV the Star Wars Episodes IV | Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" movie poster. You Are Viewing Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope: The Abridged Script STAR WARS Saga of Episodes IV-VI: “A NEW HOPE” Back in 1977, an unknown little indie picture named Star Wars was quietly Advanced Search star wars iv Star Wars IV: Red Carpet Pictures. Event Photos. Star Wars: Episode IV To preview and buy music from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Original star wars blu ray changes Star Wars IV A New Hope FS DVD Disc Cover Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope STAR WARS EPISODE IV Movie Name : Star Wars IV: A New Hope Genre : Action | Adventure | Fantasy Star Wars Series Collection Star Wars Episode IV is one of the most iconic films of all time,