But the Normans introduced also two other types of castle.Luxury Travel at European CastlesLuxury Travel at European CastlesPredjama CastlePictures European CastlesEuropean Castles were first built for defence against attacking armies of European castles.LushStays: European Castles for Rent most beautifull castles in Europe. Even Walt Disney used this castle as European Castles, and Castles European CastlesUnder its twofold aspect of a fortress and a residence, the medieval castle Many of the best European castles are clustered near the Re: Pictures of European CastlesRe: Pictures of European CastlesExperience the grandeur of historic European castles, some more than 1000 LushStays: European Castles for RentEuropean Castles109 european castles and palaces in high res - Google Earth CommunityStirling Castle's rich history makes it one of the most important European