Everybody played video games in their childhood or continues playing now. Do you remember such wonderful games as DOOM, Mortal Combat, Quake, and the first Warcraft on some Pentium 133MHz and 4-megabyte video card.Related Post: The Evolution of Video Game Consoles.1990Wing CommanderCommander KeenFinal Fantasy 31991CivilizationThe Legend of ZeldaNeverwinter NightsRoad Rash1992Dune IIMortal CombatWolfenstein 3D1993DOOMMaster of OrionSim City, 2000Space Quest V1994HereticTekkenWarcraft1995Command and ConquerSpace Quest 6Need for SpeedWarcraft IIDuke Nukem 3DM.A.X.Quake1997Age of EmpiresDiabloFinal fantasy 7GTAQuake 21998Half LifeMicrosoft Flight SimulatorStarcraftStarcraft Brood WarUnreal1999EverquestHeroes of Might and Magic IIIColin Mcrae Rally 2Counter StrikeGTA 2The Sims2001GTA 3HALOMax PayneReturn to Castle Wolfenstein2002Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceBattlefield 1942Diablo 2MafiaNeverwinter NightsSplinter CellCall of DutyMax Payne 2Prince of PersiaTony Hawk's Underground2004DOOM 3Far CryGTA: San AndreasHalf Life 2World of WarcraftF.E.A.R.Guitar HeroThe Medal of HonorNeed for Speed: Most Wanted2006Gears of WarHitman: Blood MoneyPreyThe Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionThe Godfather2007Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareCrysisGuitar Hero 3Halo 3The WitcherCommand & Conquer 3: Kane's WrathFallout 32008GTA IVMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots