alison horton tattoos

Study of a Woman's Hip No.7thumbnailSeanna.14.thumbnailLet them eat...thumbnailThe WorldthumbnailYour perfection?thumbnail
Study of a Woman's Hip No.7
From a session one Sunday with a very beautiful, talented model.The tattoo says "Et hoc transibit" in Latin, which translates to "This too shall pass."See more photographs of this model here: [link]
Model/Styling/MUA: SeannaPhotos/editing: Me
Let them eat...
By Nicolle for Clutterfly jewelry
The World
Your perfection?
Always trying to be something you're not.Always trying so hard.Always pushing your ideals onto me.But I'm not you.I don't care about the things you do.Fuck your hopes for me.Fuck your goals.Fuck yo...