hairstyle by thelma kaufman


How to make a bob hairstyle

The bob hairstyle is a one length cut that is present throughout the head, making it easy to style the stylish hair into a variety of up-dos and casual hairstyles.

Whether worn curly or straight, there are many ways that a bob hairstyle can be created and styled to look fantastic.

There are two popular ways that a bob hairstyle can be worn.

You can use a frizz easing product on the curls to create sleek curls through the bob hairstyle.

By allowing the curls to dry naturally a natural look can be achieved

Also curlers can be used to increase the volume that comes from wearing the curls in the bob hairstyle.

HOT pixie hairstyle trend

HOT pixie hairstyle

As one of the most popular short hairstyles that sees inspiration from movies, celebrities and red carpet events, the pixie hairstyle can be found on a variety of starlets, celebs and everyday people.

Over the ears in a short hairstyle, the pixie hairstyle is a signature style in which the hair is cut into short layers close to the head.

The bangs of pixie hairstyle are also cut short through the style and meant to show off bone structure and facial shapes of the individual that has chosen the hairstyle.

2009 celebrity hairstyle trends

2009 celebrity hairstyle trends

A lot of celebrities have gone way out on the line in the name of fashion and their hairstyle is certainly no exception.

With a wide range of choices in terms of how they choose to style their hair, plus the desire to always create new and unique hairstyles it is certainly no wonder why Hollywood is often the birthplace of incredible hairstyles.

With celebrity hairstyles that range from short to long and everything in between it is possible to locate and select the perfect style from your favorite celebrity.

After all most celebs all had the same hairstyles but with the diversity that the stars are showing now it is possible to even take one of the great celebrity haircuts and modify it slightly to create the perfect haircut for your exact needs.

Creating the perfect celebrity hairstyle can be a lot of fun; just looking around at the incredible hairstyles can be a true blast and will ensure that your hair is on the forefront of style.