zelma erickson tattoos

4 Steps to getting the Perfect Lower Back Tattoo Design

Lower back tattoo designs are of many kinds but there are four steps which you should follow to get the perfect lower back tattoo. Here are the steps.

Be Ready

Modern techniques are now available to get the perfect design but there are customers who are not satisfied with their tattoos. It is very important to be mentally prepared before you get a tattoo. A tattoo is permanent so make sure that you do not take any hasty decisions.

Design Selection

This is the second most important thing in getting a tattoo. Do not ever select a design just because your friends or family thought so. It should be a personal choice because tattoos are permanent. You will need to select a stencil and the color preference which you can then take to your tattooist.

Getting a Proper Stencil

It is very important to get a high quality stencil. Every tattoo has a unique stencil which is set into the skin with the help of a liner. An inferior stencil that has been hand traced can make a poor tattoo. The color reference you choose will act as the guide for the perfect tattoo so choose it with care.

Test Your Tattoo

Before you get the real tattoo done it might be a good idea to get a false tattoo of the exact same type and size and on the exact part of your body where you have chosen to place your real tattoo.

See if the website or tattoo design studio you have chosen has such a facility. Getting a false tattoo done will prepare you for the real deal. You will also be able to change the place of your body where you have gotten the tattoo later if you find it misfits.

Choosing the Right Artist

Choosing the right artist is very essential if you want to have the perfect tattoo. There are three qualities to the right artist: portfolio, experience and enthusiasm. A good artist will always have a portfolio of their finished work. Check for the quality of lower back tattoo design on their portfolio. It is not a good sign if an artist does not have a portfolio.

An artist who has experience of a few years is always a good choice. Thirdly and most importantly, the artist should share the same enthusiasm as you have for your tattoo. The attitude of an artist shows the quality of his works.

These are the four steps that would help you to get the perfect lower back tattoo design.



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